Winnica Sztolcman: wine awards

Winnica Sztolcman has won a total of 10 awards in the years 2023-2025. Wines from this winery have won the most awards in competitions: WINOPL - Konkurs Win Polskich - 2 awards, Wine Expo Poland Awards - 2 awards, X Konkurs Polskich Win Jasło 2023 - 2 awards.

A complete list of all award-winning wines from this winery from all the competitions we have in our database, sorted in alphabetical order:

Białe Cuvee

  • 2022: Medal brązowy (Bronze Wine Medal) in XI Konkurs Polskich Win Jasło 2024 in the category of "White Wines, Dry";


  • 2023: Medal brązowy (Bronze Wine Medal) in XI Konkurs Polskich Win Jasło 2024 in the category of "White Wines, Dry", Srebrny medal (Silver Wine Medal) in TUCHOVINICONTEST in the category of "White Wines, Dry (below 4 g/L residual sugar)";

Muscaris & Seyval Blanc & Solaris

  • 2021: Medal brązowy (Bronze Wine Medal) in X Konkurs Polskich Win Jasło 2023 in the category of "White Wines, Dry";

Pet-Nat Róż

  • 2022: Medal srebrny (Silver Wine Medal) in Międzynarodowy Konkurs Win "Carpatia Vini" Kombornia 2024 in the category of "Sparkling Wines, Special";
  • (NV): Brązowy medal (Bronze Wine Medal) in WINOPL - Konkurs Win Polskich in the category of "Sparkling Wines, Dry, Semi-dry, Semi-sweet";

Pierwszy Mróz

  • 2022: Brązowy medal (Bronze Wine Medal) in WINOPL - Konkurs Win Polskich in the category of "White Wines: Dry, Semi-dry or Semi-sweet, Still";

Pierwszy Zbiór

  • 2022: Medal brązowy (Bronze Wine Medal) in X Konkurs Polskich Win Jasło 2023 in the category of "White Wines, Dry";

Wino Różowe

  • 2022: Silver (Silver Wine Medal) in Wine Expo Poland Awards in the category of "Consumers' Jury", Bronze (Bronze Wine Medal) in Wine Expo Poland Awards in the category of "Professional Jury";


  • The winery ranks 98th in terms of all awards won.
  • The top wine from this winery is Wino Różowe, ranked 364th among all wines.


  1. Winnica Aris - 124 awards
  2. Winnica Saganum - 112 awards
  3. Winnica Equus - 104 awards
  4. Winnica Ingrid - 84 awards
  5. Winnica Piwnice Antoniego - 77 awards

This page presents pieces of information about awards of Winnica Sztolcman that were found online and may have been enriched by data submitted by the winemaker. If you see an error and/or wish to complete the information on this winery, please contact the editors of the Polish.Wine portal.