I Konkurs Win z Historycznego Śląska

The information about I Konkurs Win z Historycznego Śląska we have in our database relates to editions of this competition from the years: 2023. If there were other editions of this contest (ie. in other years than the ones listed below), it is most likely that Polish wineries did not win any prizes in them. The details are presented below in the chronological order. Full results of each edition of this contest are available by clicking on the relevant link:

I Konkurs Win z Historycznego Śląska 2023


  • Polish wineries won 53 awards in all editions of this contest.


  1. Winnica Equus - 7 awards
  2. Winnica Aris - 5 awards
  3. Winnica Silesian, Winnica Cantina - 4 awards
  4. Winnica Miłosz, Winnica Ingrid, Winnica Folwark Pszczew - 3 awards

This page presents pieces of information about awards granted in I Konkurs Win z Historycznego Śląska that were found online and may have been enriched by data submitted by the winemaker or the contest organiser. If you see an error and/or wish to complete the information on this contest, please contact the editors of the Polish.Wine portal.